Porsche 911 (69-89) Rear Trailing Arm Support Plate bushings

Quick Overview
*Dropship: Contact us for availability. We have used Powerflex bushings for a long time.. So long we use to order them direct from the UK when it was the only...


*Dropship: Contact us for availability.

We have used Powerflex bushings for a long time.. So long we use to order them direct from the UK when it was the only place to get them!

Replace or upgrade your OEM bushings to a more durable and more precise feeling Powerflex bushing. These will tighten the rear of your 911 up! Lifetime warranty ensures the quality you expect for your vintage Porsche 911 we use these on most of the restoration work we perform in house.

*Available in 80A and 95A durometer we prefer the 95A for added stiffness and handling!